Alarming Amounts of Roundup Weed Killer in Cheerios and Goldfish

cheeriosDig around in the back seats of any minivan or car in America and you’ll likely turn up some Cheerios and Goldfish. It’s hard to believe that something that millions of moms and dads trustingly feed to their toddlers and children, contains dangerous amounts of glyphosate, the main ingredient found in Roundup herbicide.

The Detox Project conducts independent research to see what chemicals are found in food, water and our bodies.
This is from the Detox Project’s press release, ““Frankly, such a high level of glyphosate contamination found in Cheerios, Doritos, Oreos and Stacy’s Pita Chips are alarming and should be a wake-up call for any parent trying to feed their children safe, healthy and non-toxic food,” said Dave Murphy, Executive Director of Food Democracy Now!, a grassroots advocacy organization based in Iowa with more than 650,000 members, that commissioned the new glyphosate residue food tests.”

Also making the list of foods with high levels of glyphosate were Annie’s Gluten Free Bunny Cookies cocoa and vanilla and Kashi Organic Promise.

Click here to see the entire list. Food Testing Results

The time to get involved is now. Visit Food Democracy Now to sign the petition. Tell the EPA that this is unacceptable.

Please share!! This is too important not to.



Vegan, oil-free challah

Happy Friday! You won’t believe how delicious this is. challah


1 cup warm water

2 & ¼ tsp. yeast

½ c. organic vegan sugar

½ cup of organic unsweetened applesauce

1 tsp. salt

3 tsp. Ener-G egg replacer and 4 TBS. of water to mix (the equivalent of two eggs)

2 c. organic bread flour

2c. organic white whole wheat flour

Salt and sugar mixture – ½ tsp. of each for topping

Continue reading “Vegan, oil-free challah”

The Answer to Healthful Snacking

lauren 2In honor of World Health Day today, an event sponsored by the World Health Organization, I am going to share with you the one tip that has changed my health for the better and can change yours too.

The one thing that I have done to improve my overall health, reduce my weight and mitigate the chance of contracting a disease is that I have eliminated processed foods from my diet. Before you exclaim that you can’t do without these conveniences, hear me out. I have some good solutions and substitutes below. If you are trying to avoid disease or obesity, this is one simple thing that can work for you. Continue reading “The Answer to Healthful Snacking”

The Fight to Know What is in Our Food



dylieThis is a pivotal moment in the fight to know what is in our food. The integrity of organic food and labeling issues are very much in flux right now.

As it stands about 90% of all corn, soy, cotton, canola, sugar beets grown in the U.S. contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or are considered genetically engineered (GE). About 50% of zucchini, yellow squash and Hawaiian papaya are GE.

What does that mean? According to the Institute of Responsible Technology, “A GMO (genetically modified organism) is the result of a laboratory process where genes from the DNA of one species are extracted and artificially forced into the genes of an unrelated plant or animal. The foreign genes may come from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals or even humans. Because this involves the transfer of genes, GMOs are also known as “transgenic” organisms.”

Why does this matter to you? 85- 90% of all processed foods contain one or more GMO ingredient. GMOs were introduced to the market in the mid 90’s without any long-term testing. That’s right. You’ve been the guinea pig for about twenty years.

Perhaps over the last twenty years you’ve noticed a rise in some disease states such as cancer (specifically kidney, breast, colon and anal), diabetes, allergies, gastro-intestinal disorders, infertility, autism, auto-immune disease, ADHD etc. I’m not saying the two are linked, but I would say that there needs to be long-term studies on the effects of GMOs. Continue reading “The Fight to Know What is in Our Food”

I’m Vegan, Paleo, Vegetarian, Gluten Free and my Hair Looks Like Sh*t

My son "wearing" my hair
My son “wearing” my hair

Am I a vegan? Yes, I am for one or two meals a day. I have a green juice for breakfast and I usually have some type of plant based meal for lunch.

Am I Paleo? Kind of. I do adhere to their “no grains” idea quite a bit, but I like quinoa and buckwheat sometimes. I really don’t eat a lot of meat. If I do, I’m embarrassingly obnoxious. I have to know how it lived and died. I buy my eggs from a place that has a “chicken cam” so I can see the chickens frolicking on the farm. Have you seen the clip from Portlandia where Fred Armisen’s character wants a full report on the chicken he is about to order from the restaurant? He ends up leaving to go visit the farm where the chicken was raised before he orders. I will post it at the end of this blog. Continue reading “I’m Vegan, Paleo, Vegetarian, Gluten Free and my Hair Looks Like Sh*t”